Design & Craft (combined)

3D Finished Pieces (5 categories)

These sections are judged on both the quality of craftsmanship in combination with creative design, style and visual impact.   

  • Each section is split into JUNIOR and SENIOR.

  • Entries in this section must be physical pieces. 3D renders will not be accepted. 

  • Materials and methods of manufacture used must be specified i.e. hand, production, technological processes, CAD, RP, CNC, Laser sintering etc.

  • If several specialist craftspeople for different sections enter an item, these details need to be submitted on the entry form where indicated. 

  • Where relevant, articles entered must be in a finished condition. Entrants are encouraged to submit in precious metals wherever possible and such entries must conform to hallmarking legislation if applicable.

Click on the icons below for the full details on each brief. 

Fine Jewellery

Sponsored by Boodles

Fine jewellery is made from precious metals such as gold, platinum, palladium and silver,  typically uses genuine precious gemstones like diamonds, sapphires, rubies, or emerald. 

This award, sponsored by Boodlesseeks to identify and reward elegantly designed and beautifully-made fine jewellery.

Entries must be made in precious metals in any fineness, colour and combination, except silver.

Precious and semi-precious gemstones and other complimentary decorative treatments and surface finishes can also feature in the finished piece.

Image: Tomasz Donocik - Pleat Collection, Gold & The Boodles Award


Judges will be looking for:

  • Unique to this competition, the winning entry must reflect Boodles’ ethos and international reputation for quality fine jewellery

  • Elegance and originality of design 

  • Technical ability and excellence of craftsmanship 

  • A high standard of finish to the product

  • Functionality of the piece

Wire Innovation

Sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers

These two Awards sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers seek to promote the use of metal wire of all sizes, sections and combinations, in any precious and/or non-precious materials, but must include some precious metal wire. Entries can include all types of product across jewellery, smallwork and silversmithing.

This section encourages pieces that demonstrate innovation and well considered construction from wire. Creative designs that explore the potential of metal wire, and at quality, are encouraged and welcomed. No cast material should be included and high-quality manufacture and finishing is expected. 

Image: Megan Brown - Woven Box, Silver & The GSWD Award


Judges will be looking for:

  • Exciting and innovative use of wire 

  • Appropriate use of techniques and processes 

  • Competent construction and quality of finish and outcome 

Laser Technology

Sponsored by ALPHA LASER GmbH

This section is an opportunity to demonstrate and celebrate the potential of laser technology. Entries can include all types of product across jewellery, smallwork and silversmithing that has utilised laser technology in part or for its full production. All entries must be made from metal. 

We are delighted to be partnering with Special Award Patrons ALPHA LASER GmbH again who are sponsoring this specialist section.

The specific laser technology used in making the entry must be stated within your online application in order for judges to understand the extent and type of processes employed. Photographic evidence of manufacturing could be included in this.

Image: Andrew Lamb - Vortex Necklace (2022), Gold (Senior) & The ALPHA LASER GmbH Award


Judges will be looking for: 

  • Creative and innovative use of laser technology 

  • Well considered use of techniques and processes to achieve an outcome that benefits from laser technology 

  • Competent construction and knowledge of processes in order to achieve a high quality of finish

Horn & Polymers

Sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Horners'

Jewellery, body adornment or a product featuring horn and/or plastics in a creative, decorative and quality manner.

We are delighted to continue partnering with The Worshipful Company of Horners' who sponsor this Patron Named Award. 

 You are invited to design and make any jewellery item or product taking innovative approaches that incorporate and embody horn and/or plastics as a decorative and complimentary feature. The brief has been widened to include and encourage fashion jewellery where plastics, in particular, can be widely utilised.  

Designs need to ensure that horn/plastic is a prominent aspect and main feature in the finished outcome. The winning entry may also be used within an auction event for a Horners’ Charity. As with any design brief, please ensure your description and the specification is clear (materials, stones, elements, moving parts where appropriate etc.).  

See below for more guidance. 

Image: Andrew Howard - “A load of old Bu-ffalo”, Gold & The Worshipful Company of Horners' Award


Horn is an organic material and natural plastic which can be ethically sourced as it is a by-product from the food and leather industries. Horn - although previously utilised for practical domestic utensils is now being crafted into decorative items - either solely or in conjunction with precious metals. 

The Horners' Company are offering potential entrants the opportunity to obtain some natural horn to experiment and explore its unique properties and potential use by contacting Mark Lewis ( Mark is also available to offer any guidance and advice.


Polymers offer a wide range of opportunity to create form, decoration and striking aesthetics, and enable any scale of item to be considered and crafted, and plastics contribute much within the fashion jewellery industry, including body adornment. Using recycled plastic is encouraged. 


Judges will be looking for:

  • Distinctive design featuring horn and/or plastics

  • Attention to detail, function and quality of craftsmanship

  • Creative use of materials, preferably recycled

A fantastic invitation...

The winner of this prize will also be invited to a Worshipful Company of Horner’s dinner to celebrate their Award. 

Handcrafted Silverware

Sponsored by The Clothworkers' Company

For hand crafted silverware using traditional techniques inspired by Textiles.

We warmly welcome the Clothworkers Company to the Goldsmiths’ competition and the 2023/24 Awards. The GC&DC looks forward to partnering in a new silversmithing section that is designed to promote and support the core craft skills of young silversmiths i.e. hammering techniques (hand raising, blocking, caulking, bouging, planishing), box making, spinning, chasing and repoussé etc. 

The Clothworkers Company is inviting young makers to craft and submit finished silversmithing pieces that demonstrate the use, deployment and promotion of traditional hand making techniques and skills, and ideally/preferably, work that show an affinity/connection/representation to textiles, which can be in any form or representation or applied decoration such as chasing, engraving, texturing, enamelling etc.  

Entries using CAD/RP, high technology are not eligible for this section.  

Of equal importance is to foster the above objectives within the next generation of aspiring silversmiths, so this new, exciting, sponsored section supports emerging learners and future talent. Therefore, this special award is for young silversmiths up to the age of 30, including students, apprentices, employees and independent learners. 

Subject to the endorsement of the Clothworkers Company, the winner of this important award will also be offered a work experience opportunity with an established silversmith. 


Judges will be looking for: 

  • Use of traditional craft silversmithing techniques     

  • Degree of hand making skills demonstrated

  • Skill/techniques potential 

  • Connection, relationship, representation to textiles

03 Jul - 12 Sep

Goldsmiths' Centre Summer Exhibition 

Oct 2024

Competition briefs launch

Jan 2025

Submission deadline

Mar 2025

Awards Ceremony @ The Goldsmiths' Hall


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